KING-WERK, Wrfel and Mller, GmbH u. Co.
KING WORKS is situated in the Westerwald (Western Forest) of Germany, near the Rhine and Koblenz (the ancient Roman town of Confluentia) as well as the famous Limes (the fortifield Roman border).
The tradition and roots of potters in the area can be traced back as early as the first centuries.
Backed by generations of experience in the finest craftsmanship, KING-Steins are based, for the most part, on designs of antique originals.
The KING-Collection of old German, Bavarian, Austrian and Tyrolian Steins offers a choice of the most original and skillfully designed products available.
The trademark KING guarantees authentic and high quality handcrafted and hand painted German Steins.
The King Collection of German Beer Steins Include:
Souvenir Relief Steins
Crest Steins
Gifts for all Occasions
Club and Collector Steins
Specialty and Limited Edition Steins
Wine cups and Jugs